beat\ one's\ brains\ out

beat\ one's\ brains\ out
• beat one's brains out
• beat one's brains
v. phr. slang
To try very hard to understand or think out something difficult; tire yourself out by thinking.

It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer.

Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains and succeed.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • beat one's brains out — or[beat one s brains] {v. phr.}, {slang} To try very hard to understand or think out something difficult; tire yourself out by thinking. * /It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer./ * /Some students are lazy,… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • beat one's brains out — or[beat one s brains] {v. phr.}, {slang} To try very hard to understand or think out something difficult; tire yourself out by thinking. * /It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer./ * /Some students are lazy,… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • beat\ one's\ brains — • beat one s brains out • beat one s brains v. phr. slang To try very hard to understand or think out something difficult; tire yourself out by thinking. It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer. Some students… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • beat one's brains — phrasal see beat one s brains out * * * beat one s brains or beat one s brains out To puzzle about something • • • Main Entry: ↑beat …   Useful english dictionary

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  • cudgel one's brains — See: BEAT ONE S BRAINS OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

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