beat one's gums — {v. phr.}, {slang} To engage in idle talk, or meaningless chatter; generally to talk too much. * / Stop beating your gums, Jack, Joe cried. I am falling asleep. / Compare: CHEW THE FAT or CHEW THE RAG, SHOOT THE BREEZE or BAT THE BREEZE or FAN… … Dictionary of American idioms
beat one's gums — {v. phr.}, {slang} To engage in idle talk, or meaningless chatter; generally to talk too much. * / Stop beating your gums, Jack, Joe cried. I am falling asleep. / Compare: CHEW THE FAT or CHEW THE RAG, SHOOT THE BREEZE or BAT THE BREEZE or FAN… … Dictionary of American idioms
beat one’s gums — tv. to waste time talking a great deal without results. □ I’m tired of beating my gums about this stuff. □ You’re just beating your gums. No one is listening … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beat one's gums — vp To talk. We were just sitting around, beating our gumsabout nothing. 1920s … Historical dictionary of American slang
beat one's gums — phrasal : to talk continually or excessively : to talk with little effect … Useful english dictionary
wag one's chin — See: BEAT ONE S GUMS, CHEW THE FAT, CHEW THE RAG, SHOOT THE BREEZE … Dictionary of American idioms
wag one's chin — See: BEAT ONE S GUMS, CHEW THE FAT, CHEW THE RAG, SHOOT THE BREEZE … Dictionary of American idioms
wag\ one's\ chin — See: beat one s gums, chew the fat, chew the rag, shoot the breeze … Словарь американских идиом
gum — gum1 gumless, adj. gumlike, adj. /gum/, n., v., gummed, gumming. n. 1. any of various viscid, amorphous exudations from plants, hardening on exposure to air and soluble in or forming a viscid mass with water. 2. any of various similar exudations … Universalium
gum — gum1 [gum] n. [ME gomme < OFr < LL gumma < L gummi, cummi < Gr kommi < Egypt qmyt] 1. a sticky, colloidal carbohydrate found in certain trees and plants, which dries into an uncrystallized, brittle mass that dissolves or swells in… … English World dictionary