jump through a hoop — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do whatever you are told to do; obey any order. * /Bob would jump through a hoop for Mary./ Compare: TWIST AROUND ONE S LITTLE FINGER, UNDER ONE S THUMB … Dictionary of American idioms
jump through a hoop — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do whatever you are told to do; obey any order. * /Bob would jump through a hoop for Mary./ Compare: TWIST AROUND ONE S LITTLE FINGER, UNDER ONE S THUMB … Dictionary of American idioms
jump through a hoop — do whatever one is told to do, obey any order He is always ready to jump through a hoop for his boss so he is not very popular with the other employees … Idioms and examples
through a hoop — See: JUMP THROUGH A HOOP … Dictionary of American idioms
through a hoop — See: JUMP THROUGH A HOOP … Dictionary of American idioms
through\ a\ hoop — See: jump through a hoop … Словарь американских идиом
jump through hoops — To go through complicated procedures in order to please or satisfy • • • Main Entry: ↑hoop * * * jump through hoops phrase to perform a series of difficult tests to show that you are suitable for something There are so many hoops to jump through… … Useful english dictionary
hoop — See: JUMP THROUGH A HOOP … Dictionary of American idioms
hoop — See: JUMP THROUGH A HOOP … Dictionary of American idioms
hoop — See: jump through a hoop … Словарь американских идиом