to which place

  • 101place of trust or profit — A term comprehensive in the broad sense of public officers, fiduciaries, even corporate officers, but having a particular application m reference to ineligibility for a public office. A position which, although not a public office, occupies the… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 102place name —    James Boswell, in his Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, says:    There is a beautiful little island in the Loch of Dunvegan, called Isa. M’Leod said, he would give it to Dr Johnson…M’Leod encouraged the fancy of Dr Johnson’s becoming owner of …

    A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • 103place of articulation — Phonet. the location at which two speech organs approach or come together in producing a speech sound, as in the contact of the tongue and the teeth to form a dental sound. Also called point of articulation. Cf. articulator (def. 2) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 104High place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 105In place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 106Out of place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 107To give place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 108To have place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 109To take place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 110To take the place of — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English