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1Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry. Synthesis, Reactivity, Applications , Peer Kirsch
The second edition of this classic reference work has been completely revised and updated, as well as being enlarged by 20% to reflect the latest developments in synthetic organic fluorine chemistry… 15598.63 руб электронная книга2Art of Magic: The Gathering. Innistrad , Wyatt James (2016)
Terror falls from the skies on blood-spattered wings, and nameless horrors lurk in the shadows. These pages, lavishly illustrated with the award-winning art of Magic: The Gathering, are your entry… 2423 руб3The Origin of (almost) Everything , Lawton Graham (2018)
When Edwin Hubble looked into his telescope in the 1920s, he was shocked to find that nearly all of the galaxies he could see through it were flying away from one another. If these galaxies had… 1161 руб4Everyday Saints and Other Stories , Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) (2013)
More than a million copies and several million electronic versions of this book have sold in less than a year. Everyday Saints is the English translation of the work that has soared at the top of the… 449 руб5Strange but True! (2015)
Strange But True is an eye-popping compendium of extreme, bizarre and weird animals, places and strange phenomena Did you know there&# 039;s a plant that eats mice? That you can dip your toe in a… 462 грн (только Украина)6Drowntown , Morrison, Robbie, Murray, Jim (2014)
‘Just had a romantic Waterloo sunset spoiled by the sight of a corpse being dredged from the Thames? Welcome to Drowntown… ‘The name's Noiret, Leo Noiret. I'm a Minder, which means people hire… 1199 руб7All About Evolution , Роберт Винстон (2016)
Join Professor Robert Winston for an amazing look at the story of evolutionary science and the way Charles Darwin&# 039;s revolutionary theories changed the world. Explore lands of fire, meet curious… 274 грн (только Украина)8Seeing Tomorrow. Rewriting the Rules of Risk , Ron Dembo S.
In high-stakes investing and business, success or failure largely depends on how well you play the game of risk-a game in which the rules of competition are constantly being rewritten. Strategies… 1947.93 руб электронная книга9Marketplace Lending, Financial Analysis, and the Future of Credit. Integration, Profitability, and Risk Management , Ioannis Akkizidis
The time for financial technology innovation is now Marketplace Lending, Financial Analysis, and the Future of Credit clearly explains why financial credit institutions need to further innovate… 6503.95 руб электронная книга10Bitcoin For Dummies , Prypto
Learn the ins and outs of Bitcoin so you can get started today Bitcoin For Dummies is the fast, easy way to start trading crypto currency, with clear explanations and expert advice for breaking into… 1302.58 руб электронная книга