more excellent

  • 51To think better of — Better Bet ter, adv.; compar. of {Well}. 1. In a superior or more excellent manner; with more skill and wisdom, courage, virtue, advantage, or success; as, Henry writes better than John; veterans fight better than recruits. [1913 Webster] I could …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 52better — I. adjective, comparative of good Etymology: Middle English bettre, from Old English betera; akin to Old English bōt remedy, Sanskrit bhadra fortunate Date: before 12th century 1. greater than half < for the better part of an hour > 2. improved&#8230; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 53Deseret Book — Parent company Deseret Management Corporation (LDS Church) …


  • 541 Corinthians 12 — 1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God&#8230; …

    The King James version of the Bible

  • 55Alcuin of York — (c. 730/735 804)    An Anglo Saxon scholar, trained in the tradition of the Venerable Bede, Alcuin was the most important and influential of Charlemagne s court scholars. As one of Charlemagne s most trusted advisors, Alcuin participated in&#8230; …

    Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

  • 56Clive Bell — Portrait of Clive Bell by Roger Fry Arthur Clive Heward Bell (16 September 1881 – 18 September 1964) was an English Art critic, associated with formalism and the Bloomsbury Group. Contents 1 Origins …


  • 57Knowledge of Christ — Stained glass window of Christ, Peter and Paul Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Russia. The knowledge of …


  • 58superior — a. 1. High, higher, upper, paramount, more elevated. 2. Of higher rank, more exalted, more dignified. 3. Surpassing, noble, more eminent, more excellent, preferable, greater. 4. Predominant, prevalent …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 59Neal A. Maxwell — edit data …


  • 60Orfeo Boselli — (1597–1667) was an Italian sculptor working in Rome. As with most Roman sculptors of the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries, a great part of his commissioned work was in restoring and completing fragmentary ancient Roman sculptures. A&#8230; …
