make or render insensible
1dull — I. a. 1. Stupid, stolid, doltish, blockish, brutish, unintelligent, blunt witted. 2. Apathetic, insensible, unimpassioned, passionless, dead, callous. 3. Inert, inactive, lifeless, inanimate, heavy, sluggish, slow, torpid. 4. Blunt, obtuse,… …
2anesthetised — (Brit.) adj. unconscious, insensible; characterized by a reduced sensitivity to pain; benumbed; rendered insensible using anesthesia (also anesthetized) anesthetise (Brit.) v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce… …
3anesthetized — (Amer.) adj. unconscious, insensible; characterized by a reduced sensitivity to pain; benumbed; rendered insensible using anesthesia (also anesthetised) anesthetize (Amer.) v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce… …
4harden — I. v. a. 1. Indurate, make hard, make callous. 2. Habituate, inure, season, accustom, form, train, discipline. 3. Strengthen, fortify, steel, nerve, brace. 4. Sear, make callous, render insensible or unimpressible, make unfeeling. 5. Make… …
5anaesthetise — (Brit.) v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce sensitivity to pain (also anaesthetize) …
6anaesthetised — anaesthetise (Brit.) v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce sensitivity to pain (also anaesthetize) …
7anaesthetises — anaesthetise (Brit.) v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce sensitivity to pain (also anaesthetize) …
8anaesthetising — anaesthetise (Brit.) v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce sensitivity to pain (also anaesthetize) …
9anaesthetize — (Amer.) an·aes·the·tize || æ niËsθətaɪz v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce sensitivity to pain (also anaesthetise) …
10anaesthetized — anaesthetize (Amer.) an·aes·the·tize || æ niËsθətaɪz v. administer anesthetics, make unconscious, render insensible, reduce sensitivity to pain (also anaesthetise) …