dare to undertake

  • 121take — 1. verb 1) she took his hand Syn: lay hold of, get hold of; grasp, grip, clasp, clutch, grab Ant: give 2) he took an envelope from his pocket Syn: remove …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 122hazard — n 1. danger, endangerment, risk, jeopardy, threat; peril, imperilment, insecurity, precariousness; crisis, predicament, dilemma. 2. chance, contingency, unpredictability, uncertainty, gamble, venture; accident, surprise, unintentional happening,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123presume — [v1] make assumption; believe assume, bank on*, be afraid, conclude, conjecture, consider, count on, depend, figure, gather, guess, infer, jump the gun*, posit, postulate, predicate, premise, presuppose, pretend, rely, speculate, suppose, surmise …

    New thesaurus

  • 124take on — [v1] assume, accept acquire, add, address oneself to, adopt, agree to do, annex, append, attempt, become, begin, come to have, commence, develop, embrace, employ, endeavor, engage, enlist, enroll, espouse, handle, have a go at*, hire, launch, put …

    New thesaurus

  • 125boldness — noun 1. the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger (Freq. 1) the proposal required great boldness the plan required great hardiness of heart • Syn: ↑daring, ↑hardiness, ↑hardihood • Ant: ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 126hardiness — noun 1. the property of being strong and healthy in constitution • Syn: ↑robustness, ↑lustiness, ↑validity • Derivationally related forms: ↑lusty (for: ↑lustiness), ↑hardy, ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary