assign the cause
1Cause — • Cause, as the correlative of effect, is understood as being that which in any way gives existence to, or contributes towards the existence of, any thing; which produces a result; to which the origin of any thing is to be ascribed Catholic… …
2assign — as·sign 1 /ə sīn/ vt 1: to transfer (property or rights) to another the general practice by inventors of assign ing patent rights J. K. Owens 2: to appoint to a post or duty assign ed to represent the defendant …
3The Theory of Moral Sentiments — was written by Adam Smith in 1759. It provided the ethical, philosophical, psychological and methodological underpinnings to Smith s later works, including The Wealth of Nations (1776), A Treatise on Public Opulence (1764) (first published in… …
4The Counter-Reformation — The Counter Reformation † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Counter Reformation The subject will be considered under the following heads: I. Significance of the term II. Low ebb of Catholic fortunes III. St. Ignatius and the Jesuits,… …
5The Reformation — The Reformation † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Reformation The usual term for the religious movement which made its appearance in Western Europe in the sixteenth century, and which, while ostensibly aiming at an internal renewal of the …
6The public scandal of the Dreyfus Affair — The scandal over falsely accused Alfred Dreyfus grew into a public scandal of unprecedented scale. Almost the entire french nation became divided between pro and anti Dreyfusards.Attitude of the pressAgainst this odious campaign was set in motion …
7The Slavs — The Slavs † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Slavs I. NAME A. Slavs At present the customary name for all the Slavonic races is Slav. This name did not appear in history until a late period, but it has superseded all others. The… …
8assign — assigner; Chiefly Law. assignor /euh suy nawr , as euh nawr /, n. /euh suyn /, v.t. 1. to give or allocate; allot: to assign rooms at a hotel. 2. to give out or announce as a task: to assign homework. 3. to appoint, as to a post or duty: to… …
9assign — as•sign [[t]əˈsaɪn[/t]] v. t. 1) to give or allocate: to assign rooms at a hotel[/ex] 2) to give out or announce as a task: to assign homework[/ex] 3) to appoint, as to a post or duty 4) to designate; name; specify: to assign a day for a… …
10The Catcher in the Rye — Catcher in the Rye redirects here. For the song, see Chinese Democracy. The Catcher in the Rye   …