assign the cause

  • 11The Sims 3 — Developer(s) The Sims Studio Publisher(s) Electronic Arts …


  • 12The Toyota Way — The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way is a management philosophy used by the Toyota corporation that includes the Toyota Production System. The main ideas are to base management decisions on a philosophical sense of purpose , to think long term, to …


  • 13The Church —     The Church     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Church     The term church (Anglo Saxon, cirice, circe; Modern German, Kirche; Sw., Kyrka) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia (ecclesia), the term by which… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 14The Mole (U.S. season 5) — The Mole (2008) The Mole 2008 logo Country of origin   …


  • 15The Station nightclub fire — The Station redirects here. For the online sketch channel, see The Station (YouTube). The Station nightclub fire The fire at 40 seconds. Daniel Biechele is facing camera at right. Date February 20, 2003 ( …


  • 16The Fool (tarot card) — The Fool or The Jester is one of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck. It is one of the 22 Trump cards that make up the Major Arcana. The Fool is often numbered 0. It is used in divination as well as in game playing. =Iconography= The Fool is titled Le… …


  • 17The Missing Shade of Blue — is an example introduced by the Scottish philosopher David Hume to show that it is at least conceivable that the mind can generate an idea without first being exposed to the relevant sensory experience. It is regarded as a problem by philosophers …


  • 18The Golden Rule — Not to be confused with the Golden Law or the Golden ratio.   This term refers to the maxim do as you would be done by . For other uses, see Golden Rule (disambiguation). The maxim of the golden rule is exemplified in many Christian stories …


  • 19Conditional preservation of the saints — The Five Articles of Remonstrance Conditional election Unlimited atonement Total depravity …


  • 20Causes of the Great Depression — The causes of the Great Depression are still a matter of active debate among economists. The specific economic events that took place during the Great Depression have been studied thoroughly: a deflation in asset and commodity prices, dramatic… …
