act toward

  • 51USA PATRIOT Act, Title IV — The USA PATRIOT Act was passed by the United States Congress in 2001 as a response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. It has ten titles, each containing numerous sections. Title IV: Protecting the Border aims to prevent terrorism in the USA… …


  • 52SAFE Port Act — The Security and Accountability For Every Port Act of 2006 (or SAFE Port Act, USPL|109|347 [USBill|109|HR|4954|pipe=Text of the SAFE Port Act, via] ) was an Act of Congress in the United States covering port security and online gambling …


  • 53overt act — /ō vərt , ō ˌvərt / n 1: an act directed toward another person that indicates an intent to kill or harm and that justifies self defense 2: an outward act that is done in furtherance of a conspiracy, of treason, or of the crime of attempt and that …

    Law dictionary

  • 54Climate Change Act 2008 — The Climate Change Act 2008[1] Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to set a target for the year 2050 for the reduction of targeted greenho …


  • 55Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act — The Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act (P.L. 93 637) is a United States federal law, (15 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq.). Enacted in 1975, it is the federal statute that governs warranties on consumer products. The Act was sponsored by Senator Warren G …


  • 56Kansas-Nebraska Act — The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries …


  • 57Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act — The Morrill Land Grant Acts are United States statutes that allowed for the creation of land grant colleges. Passage of original billFor fifteen years prior to the first introduction of the bill in 1857, there was a political movement calling for …


  • 58Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act — The Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, Pub. L. 94 210, Feb. 5, 1976, 90 Stat. 31, was a United States federal law that funded the reorganized bankrupt Northeast and Midwest railroads that formed Conrail in 1975; it is best …


  • 59Edge Act — The Edge Act is a 1919 amendment to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, codified as:::: [ UNITED STATES CODE] :: [ TITLE 12 Banks and Banking] :… …


  • 60Sedition Act of 1918 — The Sedition Act of 1918 was an amendment to the Espionage Act of 1917 passed at the urging of President Woodrow Wilson, who was concerned that dissent, in time of war, was a significant threat to morale. The passing of this act forbade Americans …
