To such a degree

  • 31Degree completion program — A degree completion program is an educational program providing a way for learners to get college credit for learning that they acquired through life and work experience. Degree completion programs, unlike diploma mills, work within the… …


  • 32Degree of ionization — A plasma lamp, illustrating a low degree of ionization (i.e. a partially ionized gas) The degree of ionization refers to the proportion of neutral particles, such as those in a gas or aqueous solution, that are ionized into charged particles. A… …


  • 33such — [[t]sʌ̱tʃ[/t]] ♦ (When such is used as a predeterminer, it is followed by a and a count noun in the singular. When it is used as a determiner, it is followed by a count noun in the plural or by an uncount noun.) 1) DET: DET n, DET n as pron You… …

    English dictionary

  • 34Degree of anonymity — In anonymity networks (e.g. Tor, Crowds, Mixmaster, Tarzan, etc.) it is important to be able to measure quantitatively the guarantee that is given to the system. The degree of anonymity d is a device that was proposed at the 2002 Privacy… …


  • 35degree*/*/*/ — [dɪˈgriː] noun 1) [C] a unit for measuring temperature, that is often shown as a number followed by the symbol ° It will probably be a few degrees colder by the weekend.[/ex] 2) [C] a unit for measuring angles, that is often shown as a number… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 36such*/*/*/ — [sʌtʃ] grammar word summary: Such can be: ■ a determiner: She s such an intelligent woman. ♦ We ve had such awful weather lately. ■ a pronoun: I ve never really had a career as such. 1) of the type that is being mentioned On such a day as today,… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 37such — determiner, predeterminer, & pronoun 1》 of the type previously mentioned. 2》 (such as/that) of the type about to be mentioned. 3》 to so high a degree; so great. Phrases and such and similar things. as such in the exact sense of the word. such and …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 38such — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. like, suchlike, similar, of the same kind; such and such, aforementioned; such a, some, one who. adv., informal, so, thus, that; very; such as, like, resembling. See similarity. II (Roget s IV)… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 39degree — 1. One of the divisions on the scale of a measuring instrument such as a thermometer, barometer, etc. See Comparative Temperature Scales appendix. See scale. 2. The 360th part of the circumference of a circle. 3. A position or …

    Medical dictionary

  • 40degree — [13] Etymologically, degree means ‘step down’, a sense revealed more clearly in its relative degrade [14]. It comes via Old French degre from Vulgar Latin *dēgradus, a compound noun formed from the prefix dē ‘down’ and gradus ‘step’ (source of… …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins