cash - chee
- cash
- cash-and-carry
- cash\ crop
- cash\ in
- cash\ in\ on
- cash\ in\ one's\ chips
- cash\ on\ the\ barrelhead
- castles\ in\ Spain
- castle\ in\ the\ air
- cast\ about
- cast\ around
- cast\ down
- cast\ in\ one's\ lot\ with
- cast\ light\ on
- cast\ light\ upon
- cast\ loose
- cast\ off
- cast\ one's\ lot\ with
- cast\ one's\ pearls\ before\ swine
- cast\ out
- cast\ pearls\ before\ swine
- cast\ the\ first\ stone
- cast\ up
- cat
- cat's\ meow
- cat's\ pajamas
- catch
- catch-22
- catch-as-catch-can
- catch\ at
- catch\ at\ a\ straw
- catch\ cold
- catch\ dead
- catch\ fire
- catch\ flat-footed
- catch\ forty\ winks
- catch\ hold\ of
- catch\ it
- catch\ it\ in\ the\ neck
- catch\ off\ balance