brown\ paper\ bag

brown\ paper\ bag
noun slang citizen's band radio jargon
An unmarked police car.

The beaver got a Christmas card because she didn't notice the brown paper bag at her back door.

See: plain white wrapper

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • brown paper bag — noun 1. a small bag made from brown paper, suitable for packing cut lunches. –phrase 2. not able to fight one s way out of a brown paper bag, Colloquial (of a person) weak and inadequate …  

  • brown paper bag — {n.}, {slang}, {citizen s band radio jargon} An unmarked police car. * /The beaver got a Christmas card because she didn t notice the brown paper bag at her back door./ See: PLAIN WHITE WRAPPER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • brown paper bag — {n.}, {slang}, {citizen s band radio jargon} An unmarked police car. * /The beaver got a Christmas card because she didn t notice the brown paper bag at her back door./ See: PLAIN WHITE WRAPPER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Paper Bag Party — Paper bag parties were 20th century African American social events at which only individuals with complexions at least as light as the color of a paper bag were admitted. The term also refers to larger issues of class and caste within the African …   Wikipedia

  • paper bag — /peɪpə ˈbæg/ (say paypuh bag) noun 1. a small bag made out of paper, as that into which purchases are placed by a shop assistant. –phrase Colloquial 2. a paper bag job, (derogatory) a sexual partner viewed as having an ugly face but an attractive …  

  • brown´-bag´ger — brown bag «BROWN BAG», adj., v. bagged, bag|ging. –adj. 1. a) carrying a homemade lunch to work in a brown paper bag: »brown bag lunchers . b) carrying alcoholic liquor to consume from a bottle in a brown paper bag …   Useful english dictionary

  • brown-bag — brown bagger, n. /brown bag /, v., brown bagged, brown bagging, adj. v.t. 1. to bring (one s own liquor) to a restaurant or club, esp. one that has no liquor license. 2. to bring (one s lunch) to work or elsewhere, usually in a small brown paper… …   Universalium

  • brown-bag — brown ,bag verb intransitive AMERICAN INFORMAL 1. ) to bring your lunch with you to work or school, usually in a brown paper bag: brown bag it: I usually eat in the cafeteria but I m brown bagging it today. 2. ) to bring your own alcoholic drinks …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • brown-bag — brown′ bag′ v. t. bagged, bag•ging 1) cvb to bring (one s own liquor) to a restaurant, esp. one that has no liquor license 2) cvb to bring (one s lunch) to work usu. in a brown paper bag brown′ bag′ger, n …   From formal English to slang

  • brown-bag — ☆ brown bag [broun′bag΄ ] vt., vi. brown bagged, brown bagging 1. to carry (one s lunch) to work or school, as in a brown paper bag 2. to bring (one s own liquor) into a restaurant, nightclub, etc. which is not permitted to sell liquor but may… …   English World dictionary

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