- with\ the\ Joneses
- See: keep up with the Joneses
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс. 1997.
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс. 1997.
with the Joneses — See: KEEP UP WITH THE JONESES … Dictionary of American idioms
with the Joneses — See: KEEP UP WITH THE JONESES … Dictionary of American idioms
Keeping up with the Joneses — is a popular catchphrase in many parts of the English speaking world. It refers to the desire to be seen as being as good as one s neighbours or contemporaries using the comparative benchmarks of social caste or the accumulation of material goods … Wikipedia
keep up with the Joneses — To keep on an equal social footing with one s neighbours, eg by having possessions of the same quality in the same quantity • • • Main Entry: ↑keep * * * keep up with the Joneses informal, showing disapproval phrase to try to be as rich,… … Useful english dictionary
Keeping up with the Joneses — es un latiguillo del inglés que hace referencia a la comparación con el vecino de al lado como una marca para la clase social o la acumulación de bienes materiales. To fail to keep up with the Joneses se percibe como la demostración de… … Wikipedia Español
keep up with the Joneses — {v. phr.} To follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors. * /Mrs. Smith kept buying every new thing that was advertised, finally Mr. Smith told her to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and to start thinking for herself./ … Dictionary of American idioms
keep up with the Joneses — {v. phr.} To follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors. * /Mrs. Smith kept buying every new thing that was advertised, finally Mr. Smith told her to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and to start thinking for herself./ … Dictionary of American idioms
keep up with the joneses — People who try to keep up with the Joneses are competitive about material possessions and always try to have the latest and best things … The small dictionary of idiomes
keep up with the Joneses — verb To act or make purchases for status or image rather than out of need, especially for the purpose of competing with friends or neighbors. Do you really need a fancy new car or are you just trying to keep up with the Joneses? … Wiktionary
keep\ up\ with\ the\ Joneses — v. phr. To follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors. Mrs. Smith kept buying every new thing that was advertised, finally Mr. Smith told her to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and to start thinking for herself … Словарь американских идиом