while\ ago

while\ ago
At a time several minutes in the past; a few minutes ago; a short time ago. - Used with "a".

I laid MV glasses on this table a while ago; and now they're gone.

A while ago, Mary was tired and wanted to go home; now she's dancing with Bob as if she could dance all night.

Compare: just now(2)

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • while ago — {adv.} At a time several minutes in the past; a few minutes ago; a short time ago. Used with a . * /I laid mv glasses on this table a while ago; and now they re gone./ * /A while ago, Mary was tired and wanted to go home; now she s dancing with… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • while ago — {adv.} At a time several minutes in the past; a few minutes ago; a short time ago. Used with a . * /I laid mv glasses on this table a while ago; and now they re gone./ * /A while ago, Mary was tired and wanted to go home; now she s dancing with… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • while-ere — or whilere /wī lārˈ or hwī lārˈ/ adverb (archaic) A little while ago, formerly • • • Main Entry: ↑while …   Useful english dictionary

  • ago — a|go W1S1 [əˈgəu US əˈgou] adv [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: From the past participle of ago to pass away (11 17 centuries), from Old English agan, from gan to go ] used to show how far back in the past something happened 5 minutes/an hour/20 years… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ago — adjective used to show how far back in the past something happened: 5 minutes/an hour/20 years ago: Michael left the office about half an hour ago. | long ago/a long time ago: I met Aunt Hetty once, a very long time ago. | a minute/moment ago: I… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • while — while1 [ waıl, hwaıl ] conjunction *** 1. ) at a moment during the time that something is happening: Someone called while you were out. While in Australia, she met and married Bert. She had sprained her ankle while playing tennis. 2. ) at the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • while — I UK [waɪl] / US / US [hwaɪl] conjunction *** 1) at a moment during the time that something is happening Someone called while you were out. While in Australia, she met and married Bert. She had sprained her ankle while playing tennis. 2) at the… …   English dictionary

  • while — I [[t](h)waɪl[/t]] CONJUNCTION USES ♦ (Usually pronounced [[t](h)wa͟ɪl[/t]] for meaning 4. The form whilst is also used in formal or literary English, especially British English.) 1) CONJ SUBORD If something happens while something else is… …   English dictionary

  • while — n., conj., v., & adv. n. 1 a space of time, time spent in some action (a long while ago; waited a while; all this while). 2 (prec. by the) a during some other process. b poet. during the time that. 3 (prec. by a) for some time (have not seen you… …   Useful english dictionary

  • while*/*/*/ — [waɪl] conjunction I 1) during the time that something is happening Someone called while you were out.[/ex] 2) used when comparing things, situations, or people and showing how they are different While most children learn to read easily, some… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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