brazen\ it\ out

brazen\ it\ out
v. phr.
To pretend you did nothing wrong; be suspected, accused, or scolded without admitting you did wrong; act as if not guilty.

The teacher found a stolen pen that the girl had in her desk, but the girl brazened it out; she said someone else must have put it there.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • brazen it out — PUT ON A BOLD FRONT, stand one s ground, be defiant, be unrepentant, be unabashed. → brazen * * * brazen it out phrase to deal with a difficult or embarrassing situation by pretending that you do not care if people are shocked or offended by your …   Useful english dictionary

  • brazen it out — to deal with a difficult or embarrassing situation by pretending that you do not care if people are shocked or offended by your behaviour, especially when you are in fact embarrassed Jane decided to admit everything and brazen it out …   English dictionary

  • brazen it out — endure a difficult situation with apparent confidence and lack of shame. → brazen …   English new terms dictionary

  • brazen it out — {v. phr.} To pretend you did nothing wrong; be suspected, accused, or scolded without admitting you did wrong; act as if not guilty. * /The teacher found a stolen pen that the girl had in her desk, but the girl brazened it out; she said someone… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • brazen it out — {v. phr.} To pretend you did nothing wrong; be suspected, accused, or scolded without admitting you did wrong; act as if not guilty. * /The teacher found a stolen pen that the girl had in her desk, but the girl brazened it out; she said someone… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • brazen it out — we were shaking in our boots, but we brazened it out Syn: put on a bold front, stand one s ground, be defiant, be unrepentant, be unabashed …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • brazen it out — idi or through, to face something boldly or shamelessly …   From formal English to slang

  • brazen sth out phrasal — verb (T) to deal with a situation that is difficult or embarrassing for you by appearing to be confident rather than ashamed …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • brazen — (adj.) O.E. bræsen of brass, from bræs brass (see BRASS (Cf. brass)) + EN (Cf. en) (2). The figurative sense of hardened in effrontery is 1570s (in brazen face), perhaps suggesting a face unable to show shame (see BRASS (Cf. brass)). To brazen it …   Etymology dictionary

  • brazen — ► ADJECTIVE 1) bold and shameless. 2) literary made of brass. ► VERB (brazen it out) ▪ endure a difficult situation with apparent confidence and lack of shame. DERIVATIVES brazenly adverb. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

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