throw\ in\ one's\ lot\ with
- throw\ in\ one's\ lot\ with
• cast in one's lot with literary formal
• throw in one's lot with
v. phr.
To decide to share or take part in anything that happens to; join.
The thief decided to throw in his lot with the gang when he heard their plans.
Washington was rich, but he decided to cast in his lot with the colonies against Britain.
When Carl was old enough to vote, he threw in his lot with the Democrats.
join forces
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань".
Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс.
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throw in one's lot with — ► throw in one s lot with decide to share the fate of. Main Entry: ↑lot … English terms dictionary
throw in one's lot with — JOIN FORCES WITH, join up with, form an alliance with, ally with, align oneself with, link up with, make common cause with. → lot * * * phrasal : to join as an associate : share the fate of reluctant to throw in their lot with a new society… … Useful english dictionary
throw in one's lot with — or {literary}[cast in one s lot with] {v. phr.} To decide to share or take part in anything that happens to; join. * /The thief decided to throw in his lot with the gang when he heard their plans./ * /Washington was rich, but he decided to cast… … Dictionary of American idioms
throw in one's lot with — or {literary}[cast in one s lot with] {v. phr.} To decide to share or take part in anything that happens to; join. * /The thief decided to throw in his lot with the gang when he heard their plans./ * /Washington was rich, but he decided to cast… … Dictionary of American idioms
throw in one's lot with — join, take part in something He decided to throw in his lot with the members of the company who were on strike … Idioms and examples
throw in one's lot with — he threw in his lot with the conspirators Syn: join forces with, join up with, form an alliance with, ally with, align oneself with, link up with, make common cause with … Thesaurus of popular words
throw in one's lot with — decide to share the fate of. → lot … English new terms dictionary
throw in one's lot with — participate in , take part in , identify with … English contemporary dictionary
cast\ in\ one's\ lot\ with — • cast in one s lot with literary formal • throw in one s lot with v. phr. To decide to share or take part in anything that happens to; join. The thief decided to throw in his lot with the gang when he heard their plans. Washington was rich, but… … Словарь американских идиом
cast in one's lot with — {formal} See: THROW IN ONE S LOT WITH … Dictionary of American idioms