through\ the\ nose

through\ the\ nose
See: pay through the nose

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • through the nose — adverb : with the resonance characteristic of a stopped up or defective nose m pronounced through the nose sounds like b * * * through the nose At a scandalously high price, exorbitantly • • • Main Entry: ↑nose …   Useful english dictionary

  • through the nose — See: PAY THROUGH THE NOSE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • through the nose — See: PAY THROUGH THE NOSE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Pay through the nose — is an English expression. To pay through the nose for an item is to pay a very high price for that item.There are several competing folk derivations of this phrase, but they are regarded by philology as somewhat far fetched.One derivation holds… …   Wikipedia

  • pay through the nose — phrasal : to pay exorbitantly or dearly * * * pay through the nose To pay more than the fair price, to pay dearly • • • Main Entry: ↑pay * * * informal pay much more than a fair price * * * pay through the nose informal : to pay a very high price …   Useful english dictionary

  • pay through the nose (for something) — informal phrase to pay much too much for something In the city centre restaurants, you pay through the nose for your drinks. Thesaurus: to spend or to pay moneysynonym Main entry: pay …   Useful english dictionary

  • take it through the nose — tv. to snort cocaine. (Drugs. A play on take it on the nose at take it on the chin.) □ Max liked taking it through the nose better than anything, except maybe a shot in the arm. □ He went into the john, and most of us knew he had to take it… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • pay through the nose — {v. phr.}, {informal} To pay at a very high rate; pay too much. * /He had wanted experience, but this job seemed like paying through the nose for it./ * /There was a shortage of cars; if you found one for sale, you had to pay through the nose./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pay through the nose — {v. phr.}, {informal} To pay at a very high rate; pay too much. * /He had wanted experience, but this job seemed like paying through the nose for it./ * /There was a shortage of cars; if you found one for sale, you had to pay through the nose./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pay through the nose — (for sth) INFORMAL ► to pay too much money for something: »There s no point in getting a bargain flight only to pay through the nose for car hire. Main Entry: ↑pay …   Financial and business terms

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