think on one's feet — {v. phr.} To think quickly; answer or act without waiting; know what to do or say right away. * /A good basketball player can think on his feet./ * /Our teacher can think on his feet; he always has an answer ready when we ask him questions./ … Dictionary of American idioms
think on one's feet — {v. phr.} To think quickly; answer or act without waiting; know what to do or say right away. * /A good basketball player can think on his feet./ * /Our teacher can think on his feet; he always has an answer ready when we ask him questions./ … Dictionary of American idioms
think on one's feet — To solve problems as they arise during an activity • • • Main Entry: ↑think * * * I react to events decisively, effectively, and without prior thought or planning II see foot … Useful english dictionary
think on one's feet — A person who thinks on their feet is capable of making good decisions without previous thinking or planning. Good lawyers need to be able to think on their feet when pleading a case … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
on one's feet — {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or lying down; up. * /Before the teacher finished asking the question, George was on his feet ready to answer it./ * /In a busy gasoline station, the attendant is on his feet all day./ Compare: TO… … Dictionary of American idioms
on one's feet — {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or lying down; up. * /Before the teacher finished asking the question, George was on his feet ready to answer it./ * /In a busy gasoline station, the attendant is on his feet all day./ Compare: TO… … Dictionary of American idioms
on\ one's\ feet — adv. phr. 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or lying down; up. Before the teacher finished asking the question, George was on his feet ready to answer it. In a busy gasoline station, the attendant is on his feet all day. Compare: to one s feet… … Словарь американских идиом
find one's feet — To become able to stand or able to cope readily with new conditions • • • Main Entry: ↑find * * * stand up and become able to walk ■ establish oneself in a particular field I think he really started to find his feet with this album … Useful english dictionary
think — I. /θɪŋk / (say thingk) verb (thought, thinking) –verb (t) 1. to form or conceive in the mind; have in the mind as an idea, conception, or the like. 2. to turn over in the mind; meditate; ponder: he was thinking what it could mean. 3. to have the …
on one's feet — phrasal 1. : in a standing position jumped and landed on his feet 2. : in a position to go on the nomination put him on his feet : in an established position or state the business is finally on its feet … Useful english dictionary