take chances — live dangerously, risk something valuable, play with fire Don t take chances with our savings. We worked hard to earn that money … English idioms
take chances — take (your) chances to depend on luck. I would rather take my chances than try some drug no one knows much about … New idioms dictionary
take chances — take risks, attempt dangerous events … English contemporary dictionary
take chances — Synonyms and related words: brave, chance, chance it, court destruction, dare, defy danger, face up to, forget the odds, gamble, gamble on, hazard, play with fire, rely on fortune, risk, run a chance, run the chance, run the risk, set at hazard,… … Moby Thesaurus
take\ chances — v. phr. To accept the risk of failure or loss. We will take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. •• to try to do, or to take action on smth, knowing that there is a possibility of negative results; to run (a) risk(s) … Словарь американских идиом
take chances — verb take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome (Freq. 1) When you buy these stocks you are gambling • Syn: ↑gamble, ↑chance, ↑risk, ↑hazard, ↑adventure, ↑run a risk, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
take a chance — verb take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome (Freq. 6) When you buy these stocks you are gambling • Syn: ↑gamble, ↑chance, ↑risk, ↑hazard, ↑take chances, ↑adventure, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
take your chances — take (your) chances to depend on luck. I would rather take my chances than try some drug no one knows much about … New idioms dictionary
take your chances — take your ˈchances idiom to take a risk or to use the opportunities that you have and hope that things will happen in the way that you want • He took his chances and jumped into the water. Main entry: ↑chanceidiom … Useful english dictionary
Chances (Jill Barber album) — Chances Studio album by Jill Barber Released October 14, 2008 Genre jazz/pop Label … Wikipedia