tail\ between\ one's\ legs
- tail\ between\ one's\ legs
n. phr.
State of feeling beaten, ashamed, or very obedient, as after a scolding or a whipping.
The army sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs.
The boys on the team had boasted they would win the tournament, but they went home with their tails between their legs.
(So called because a beaten dog usually puts his tail down between his legs and slinks away.)
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань".
Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс.
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tail between one's legs — adverb A reaction to a confrontation, specifically one with excessive shame and hurt pride. :: He retreated from the fight with his tail between his legs … Wiktionary
tail between one's legs — feeling ashamed or beaten He was forced to resign from his company with his tail between his legs after he was caught lying about his expense account … Idioms and examples
with one's tail between one's legs — ► with one s tail between one s legs informal in a state of dejection or humiliation. Main Entry: ↑tail … English terms dictionary
with one's tail between one's legs — idi with one s tail between one s legs, utterly defeated or humiliated … From formal English to slang
tail between one's legs — {n. phr.} State of feeling beaten, ashamed, or very obedient, as after a scolding or a whipping. * /The army sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs./ * /The boys on the team had boasted they would win the tournament, but they… … Dictionary of American idioms
tail between one's legs — {n. phr.} State of feeling beaten, ashamed, or very obedient, as after a scolding or a whipping. * /The army sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs./ * /The boys on the team had boasted they would win the tournament, but they… … Dictionary of American idioms
with one's tail between one's legs — informal in a state of dejection or humiliation. → tail … English new terms dictionary
with one's tail between one's legs — informal in a state of dejection or humiliation … Useful english dictionary
tail — ► NOUN 1) the hindmost part of an animal, especially when extended beyond the rest of the body. 2) something extending downwards, outwards, or back like an animal s tail. 3) the rear part of an aircraft, with the tailplane and rudder. 4) the… … English terms dictionary
tail — tail1 [tāl] n. [ME < OE tægel, akin to OHG zagel < IE base * dek̑ , to tear, tear off > Sans saśā, fringe] 1. a) the rear end of an animal s body, esp. when forming a distinct, flexible appendage to the trunk b) such an appendage 2.… … English World dictionary