Sworn enemies — Sworn Sworn, p. p. of {Swear}. [1913 Webster] {Sworn brothers}, originally, companions in arms who took an oath to share together good and bad fortune; hence, faithful friends. {Sworn enemies}, determined or irreconcilable enemies. {Sworn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sworn enemies — {n. phr.} People or groups or nations that have a long standing dislike for each other. * /The Israelis and the Arabs used to be sworn enemies but hopefully they will sign a lasting peace accord./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sworn enemies — {n. phr.} People or groups or nations that have a long standing dislike for each other. * /The Israelis and the Arabs used to be sworn enemies but hopefully they will sign a lasting peace accord./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sworn enemies — Irreconcilable enemies, determined enemies … New dictionary of synonyms
sworn enemies — arch rivals, greatest enemies … English contemporary dictionary
Sworn — Sworn, p. p. of {Swear}. [1913 Webster] {Sworn brothers}, originally, companions in arms who took an oath to share together good and bad fortune; hence, faithful friends. {Sworn enemies}, determined or irreconcilable enemies. {Sworn friends},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sworn brothers — Sworn Sworn, p. p. of {Swear}. [1913 Webster] {Sworn brothers}, originally, companions in arms who took an oath to share together good and bad fortune; hence, faithful friends. {Sworn enemies}, determined or irreconcilable enemies. {Sworn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sworn friends — Sworn Sworn, p. p. of {Swear}. [1913 Webster] {Sworn brothers}, originally, companions in arms who took an oath to share together good and bad fortune; hence, faithful friends. {Sworn enemies}, determined or irreconcilable enemies. {Sworn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sworn — past participle of SWEAR(Cf. ↑swearer). ► ADJECTIVE 1) given under oath. 2) determined to remain the specified thing: sworn enemies … English terms dictionary
sworn — sworn1 [ swɔrn ] adjective 1. ) made or given by someone who promises that everything they are going to say is true: sworn testimony The committee has begun taking sworn statements from people involved in this matter. 2. ) sworn enemies or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English