stuff\ and\ nonsense

stuff\ and\ nonsense
Foolish or empty writing or talk; nonsense.

Fred told a long story about his adventures in Africa, but it was all stuff and nonsense.

- Often used as an interjection.

When Jane said she was too sick to go to school, her mother answered, "Stuff and nonsense! I know there's a test today."

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • stuff and nonsense — noun senseless talk don t give me that stuff • Syn: ↑stuff, ↑hooey, ↑poppycock • Usage Domain: ↑slang, ↑cant, ↑jargon, ↑lingo, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stuff and nonsense — {n.} Foolish or empty writing or talk; nonsense. * /Fred told a long story about his adventures in Africa, but it was all stuff and nonsense./ Often used as an interjection. * /When Jane said she was too sick to go to school, her mother answered …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stuff and nonsense — {n.} Foolish or empty writing or talk; nonsense. * /Fred told a long story about his adventures in Africa, but it was all stuff and nonsense./ Often used as an interjection. * /When Jane said she was too sick to go to school, her mother answered …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • stuff and nonsense — noun rubbish, foolishness, poppycock Stuff and nonsense! said Bartle, forgetting in his irritation to whom he was speaking. I beg your pardon, sir, I mean its stuff and nonsense for the innocent to care about her being hanged …   Wiktionary

  • stuff and nonsense — Noun. Worthless or foolish ideas, speech, or writing; nonsense. Often as an exclamation. E.g. Stuff and nonsense! You re talking rubbish …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • Stuff and nonsense! — old fashioned something that you say when you think something is not true or is stupid. Stuff and nonsense! I never said anything of the sort! …   New idioms dictionary

  • stuff and nonsense ! — nonsense, total rubbish, fiddlesticks …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stuff and nonsense — Synonyms and related words: absurdity, absurdness, amphigory, babble, babblement, balderdash, bibble babble, blabber, blather, bombast, claptrap, double talk, drivel, drool, fantasticalness, fiddle faddle, fiddledeedee, flummery, folderol, fudge …   Moby Thesaurus

  • stuff and nonsense — hooey; senseless talk; foolish ideas …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stuff — [stuf] n. [ME stoffe < OFr estoffe < estoffer, prob. < Gr styphein, to pull together, tighten < styppe, tow, coarse cloth of flax or hemp: see STOP] 1. the material or substance out of which anything is or can be made; raw material 2 …   English World dictionary

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