straw\ in\ the\ wind

straw\ in\ the\ wind
n. phr.
A small sign of what may happen.

The doctor's worried face was a straw in the wind.

The quickly-called meeting of the President and his cabinet was a straw in the wind.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • straw in the wind — noun see straw I, 3a * * * straw in the wind A sign of possible future developments • • • Main Entry: ↑straw * * * straw in the wind : a sign of what might come in the future A few straws in the wind–such as increased tourism and shopping–suggest …   Useful english dictionary

  • straw in the wind — {n. phr.} A small sign of what may happen. * /The doctor s worried face was a straw in the wind./ * /The quickly called meeting of the President and his cabinet was a straw in the wind./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • straw in the wind — {n. phr.} A small sign of what may happen. * /The doctor s worried face was a straw in the wind./ * /The quickly called meeting of the President and his cabinet was a straw in the wind./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • straw in the wind — a small sign of what may happen When the company began to try and cut back on expenses it was a straw in the wind as to what would happen in the future …   Idioms and examples

  • straw in the wind — something that shows you what might happen in the future. There were straws in the wind that suggested a strike was likely. Usage notes: usually used in the plural, as in the example …   New idioms dictionary

  • straw in the wind — sign of future events, foreshadow of the future …   English contemporary dictionary

  • (a) straw in the wind — a straw in the wind phrase something that is not very important but is a sign of what might happen in the future Thesaurus: unimportant or unnecessary thing or detailsynonym Main entry: straw * * * a straw in the ˈwind idiom ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • a straw in the wind — ► a straw in the wind a slight hint of future developments. Main Entry: ↑straw …   English terms dictionary

  • straw in the wind — phrasal a slight fact that is an indication of a coming event …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • straw in the wind — Synonyms and related words: catchword, clue, cue, cue word, danger sign, early symptom, evidence, falling barometer, gathering clouds, high sign, hint, hot lead, intimation, key, key word, lead, omen, precursor, preliminary sign, premonitory sign …   Moby Thesaurus

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