spring in one's step — noun enthusiasm, energy or a positive outlook or cheerful attitude. After her promotion, she carried out her new position with a spring in her step and a contagious smile … Wiktionary
spring on one — {v. phr.} To approach someone unexpectedly with an unpleasant idea or project. * /Our firm was merely six weeks old when they sprang the news on me that I had to go to Algiers to open a new branch there./ … Dictionary of American idioms
spring on one — {v. phr.} To approach someone unexpectedly with an unpleasant idea or project. * /Our firm was merely six weeks old when they sprang the news on me that I had to go to Algiers to open a new branch there./ … Dictionary of American idioms
spring to one's feet — jump up, stand up quickly … English contemporary dictionary
Spring (season) — Spring is one of the four temperate seasons. Spring marks the transition from winter into summer.OverviewDefinition of springAccording to an astronomical definition, spring begins on the vernal equinox (usually March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere … Wikipedia
One Fine Spring Day — promotional movie poster Hangul 봄날은 간다 … Wikipedia
spring — [spriŋ] vi. sprang or sprung, sprung, springing [ME springen < OE springan, akin to Du & Ger springen < IE * sprenĝh , to move quickly (< base * sper , to jerk) > Sans spṛhayati, (he) strives for] 1. to move suddenly and rapidly;… … English World dictionary
spring-heeled — springˈ heeled adjective Having springs on one s heels, as in spring heeled Jack, supposed to do great leaps and play pranks or commit robberies • • • Main Entry: ↑spring * * * spring heeled «SPRIHNG HEELD», adjective. Especially British. 1.… … Useful english dictionary
spring-loaded — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ containing a compressed or stretched spring pressing one part against another … English terms dictionary
Spring (device) — Helical or coil springs designed for tension Compression sp … Wikipedia