- scout\ around
- v. phr.To search for; look around.
When we first came to town, we had to scout around for a suitable apartment.
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс. 1997.
When we first came to town, we had to scout around for a suitable apartment.
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс. 1997.
scout around — PHRASAL VERB If you scout around or scout round for something, you go to different places looking for it. [V P for n] They scouted around for more fuel... [V P] I scouted round in the bushes. Syn: look around (in … English dictionary
scout around — v. (D; intr.) also: scout about to scout around for (to scout around for new talent) … Combinatory dictionary
scout around — {v. phr.} To search for; look around. * /When we first came to town, we had to scout around for a suitable apartment./ … Dictionary of American idioms
scout around — {v. phr.} To search for; look around. * /When we first came to town, we had to scout around for a suitable apartment./ … Dictionary of American idioms
scout — scout1 [skout] n. [ME scoute < OFr escoute < escouter, escolter, to hear < VL ascultare, for L auscultare, to listen: see AUSCULTATION] 1. a soldier, ship, or plane sent to spy out the strength, movements, etc. of the enemy ☆ 2. a person … English World dictionary
scout — I UK [skaʊt] / US noun [countable] Word forms scout : singular scout plural scouts * 1) a person or vehicle sent out by an army to get information about the position and movements of the enemy 2) British informal a search of an area scout… … English dictionary
scout — 1. noun 1) scouts reported the enemy s position Syn: lookout, outrider, advance guard, vanguard; spy 2) a lengthy scout around the area Syn: reconnaissance, reconnoiter; exploration, search, expedition; informal recon … Thesaurus of popular words
scout — I. /skaʊt / (say skowt) noun 1. a soldier, warship, aeroplane, or the like, employed in reconnoitring. 2. a person sent out to obtain information. 3. → Scout. 4. Sport a. a person detailed to observe and report on the techniques, players, etc.,… …
scout — n. 1) a boy scout (esp. AE; BE usu. has scout) 2) a girl scout (AE; BE has girl guide) 3) a talent scout * * * [skaʊt] scout around v. (D; intr.) to scout for (to scout for new talent) a talent scout scoot about a girl scout (AE; BE has… … Combinatory dictionary
scout — scout1 [skaut] n 1.) a) the Scouts an organization for boys that teaches them practical skills b) also boy scout a boy who is a member of this organization 2.) AmE also Girl Scout a girl who is a member of an organization for girls that teaches… … Dictionary of contemporary English