
Of the kind seen on sand lots; not professional.

The professional football team was so confused by their opponents' fast play that they acted like a bunch of sand-lot amateurs.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • sand-lot — plot of empty land in a town or suburb, 1878, from SAND (Cf. sand) + LOT (Cf. lot). In ref. to the kind of sports or games played on them by amateurs, it is recorded from 1890, Amer.Eng …   Etymology dictionary

  • sand|lot — «SAND LOT», adjective. U.S. of or having to do with games, especially baseball, played between informally organized teams, as on undeveloped city lots and small fields: »a sandlot second baseman …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sand-lot — sandlot sand lot, Sand lot Sand lot , a. 1. Lit., of or pert. to a lot or piece of sandy ground, hence, pert. to, or characteristic of, the policy or practices of the socialistic or communistic followers of the Irish agitator Denis Kearney, who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sand-lot — {adj.} Of the kind seen on sand lots; not professional. * /The professional football team was so confused by their opponents fast play that they acted like a bunch of sand lot amateurs./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sand-lot — {adj.} Of the kind seen on sand lots; not professional. * /The professional football team was so confused by their opponents fast play that they acted like a bunch of sand lot amateurs./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sand|lot|ter — «SAND LOT uhr», noun. U.S. a person who plays sandlot baseball or, sometimes, some other informally arranged team sport …   Useful english dictionary

  • sand-lot constitution — sandlot sand lot, Sand lot Sand lot , a. 1. Lit., of or pert. to a lot or piece of sandy ground, hence, pert. to, or characteristic of, the policy or practices of the socialistic or communistic followers of the Irish agitator Denis Kearney, who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sand lot — {n.} A field, vacant lot, or other open place used as a sports playing field, usually by younger teams or by amateurs who can t afford to use anything better. * /Rogers Hornsby, who was National League baseball batting champion six times, first… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sand lot — {n.} A field, vacant lot, or other open place used as a sports playing field, usually by younger teams or by amateurs who can t afford to use anything better. * /Rogers Hornsby, who was National League baseball batting champion six times, first… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sand\ lot — noun A field, vacant lot, or other open place used as a sports playing field, usually by younger teams or by amateurs who can t afford to use anything better. Rogers Hornsby, who was National League baseball batting champion six times, first… …   Словарь американских идиом

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