rope Into — {v.}, {informal} 1. To trick into; persuade dishonestly. * /Jerry let the big boys rope him into stealing some apples./ 2. To get (someone) to join in; persuade to work at. * /It was Sue s job to bathe the dog but she roped Sam into helping her./ … Dictionary of American idioms
rope Into — {v.}, {informal} 1. To trick into; persuade dishonestly. * /Jerry let the big boys rope him into stealing some apples./ 2. To get (someone) to join in; persuade to work at. * /It was Sue s job to bathe the dog but she roped Sam into helping her./ … Dictionary of American idioms
rope into — be asked to help, talk into helping We got roped into delivering posters because we have a car … English idioms
rope into — trick, persuade by pressuring someone I didn t want to help with the dinner but I was roped into doing it by my best friend … Idioms and examples
Rope — This article is about non metallic ropes. For other uses, see Rope (disambiguation). Coils of rope used for long line fishing A rope is a length of fibres, twisted or braided together to improve strength for pulling and connecting. It has tensile … Wikipedia
rope — rope1 W3S3 [rəup US roup] n [: Old English; Origin: rap] 1.) [U and C] very strong thick string, made by twisting together many thinner strings ▪ They tied a rope around my waist and pulled me up. ▪ The man was coiling a length of rope. 2.) the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
rope — I n. 1) to jump, skip rope 2) to ease up on; tighten a rope 3) a loose, slack; tight rope 4) a length; piece of rope 5) by a rope (to lower smt. by a rope) 6) (misc.) (boxing and fig.) on the ropes ( in a weak, vulnerable position ) II v. (colloq … Combinatory dictionary
rope — n. & v. n. 1 a stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, flax, cotton, nylon, wire, or similar material. b a piece of this. c US a lasso. 2 (foll. by of) a quantity of onions, ova, or pearls strung together. 3 (in pl., prec. by … Useful english dictionary
Rope Jousting — is a sporting competition between two jousters, that resembles a Tug of war. In this event, two Cinder blocks are placed a distance apart. The two jousters stand upon the blocks with a rope stretched between them. The objective for each jouster… … Wikipedia
Rope trick effect — Rope trick is the term given by physicist John Malik to the curious lines and spikes which emanate from the fireball of certain nuclear explosions just after detonation.DescriptionThe photograph at the right specifically shows two unusual… … Wikipedia