regain one's feet — {v. phr.} To get back up again after falling down. * /Tom fell while he skied down the hill but he regained his feet quickly./ Compare: TO ONE S FEET … Dictionary of American idioms
regain one's feet — {v. phr.} To get back up again after falling down. * /Tom fell while he skied down the hill but he regained his feet quickly./ Compare: TO ONE S FEET … Dictionary of American idioms
regain one's feet — If you regain your feet, you stand up again after stumbling or falling. This expression can also mean that you are once again financially solvent after a difficult period. John helped his father to regain his feet when he tripped on the … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
keep one's feet — {v. phr.} To keep from falling or slipping down; keep your balance; remain standing. * /The boy stumbled on the stairs but was able to keep his feet./ Compare: REGAIN ONE S FEET … Dictionary of American idioms
keep one's feet — {v. phr.} To keep from falling or slipping down; keep your balance; remain standing. * /The boy stumbled on the stairs but was able to keep his feet./ Compare: REGAIN ONE S FEET … Dictionary of American idioms
keep\ one's\ feet — v. phr. To keep from falling or slipping down; keep your balance; remain standing. The boy stumbled on the stairs but was able to keep his feet. Compare: regain one s feet … Словарь американских идиом
get back on one's feet — {v. phr.} To once again become financially solvent; regain one s former status and income, or health. * /Max got back on his feet soon after his open heart surgery. Tom s business was ruined due to the inflation, but he got back on his feet again … Dictionary of American idioms
get back on one's feet — {v. phr.} To once again become financially solvent; regain one s former status and income, or health. * /Max got back on his feet soon after his open heart surgery. Tom s business was ruined due to the inflation, but he got back on his feet again … Dictionary of American idioms
get\ back\ on\ one's\ feet — v. phr. To once again become financially solvent; regain one s former status and income, or health. Max got back on his feet soon after his open heart surgery. Tom s business was ruined due to the inflation, but he got back on his feet again … Словарь американских идиом
One Night Stand (2007) — Promotional poster featuring Bobby Lashley Tagline(s) Extreme Rules Theme song(s) F … Wikipedia