big\ mouth

big\ mouth
• loud mouth
• big mouth
noun slang
A noisy, boastful, or foolish talker.

Fritz is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets.

When he has had a few drinks, Joe will make empty boasts like any other big mouth.

See: loud mouth, loud-mouthed

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • big mouth — phrase used as a criticism of someone when they say things that they should not You should have kept your big mouth shut. I didn’t realize it was a secret. Me and my big mouth! Thesaurus: people who are annoying or unpleasantsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Big Mouth — ( Eh Ton Kah / Dayton Slater ) (died October 29 1869) was an Oglala born chieftain of the Brule Sioux, highly regarded by the Brule for his bravery and, although aggressive, military leadership. A signature of the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868… …   Wikipedia

  • big mouth — big mouths N COUNT If you say that someone is a big mouth or that they have a big mouth, you mean that they tell other people things that should have been kept secret. [INFORMAL] Why don t you shut your big mouth? …   English dictionary

  • big mouth — (n.) also bigmouth person who talks too much, 1889, Amer.Eng., from BIG (Cf. big) + MOUTH (Cf. mouth) …   Etymology dictionary

  • big mouth — ► NOUN informal ▪ an indiscreet or boastful person. DERIVATIVES big mouthed adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • big|mouth — «BIHG MOWTH», noun. Slang. a very talkative person, especially one who gossips or boasts too much …   Useful english dictionary

  • big mouth — 1. n. a person who talks too much or too loudly; someone who tells secrets. (Also a term of address.) □ Okay, big mouth! Shut up! □ Tell that big mouth to shut up. 2. tv. to spread secrets around. □ Why do you always have to big mouth everything… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • big mouth — noun a) the mouth of someone who talks too much, especially by making exaggerated claims or by inappropriately revealing information Shut your big mouth or Ill shut it for you. b) a person who has a big mouth (sense Shut up, big mouth! …   Wiktionary

  • big mouth — used as a criticism of someone when they say things that they should not You should have kept your big mouth shut. I didn t realize it was a secret. Me and my big mouth! …   English dictionary

  • big mouth — np A talkative person. Shut up! You really have a big mouth. 1880s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

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