rave\ about

rave\ about
v. phr.
To talk very enthusiastically about someone or something.

Hank praised the new TV show very highly but we didn't think it was anything to rave about.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • rave about — {v. phr.} To talk very enthusiastically about someone or something. * /Hank praised the new TV show very highly but we didn t think it was anything to rave about./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rave about — {v. phr.} To talk very enthusiastically about someone or something. * /Hank praised the new TV show very highly but we didn t think it was anything to rave about./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rave — rave1 [reıv] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: raver [i] to wander, talk wildly ] 1.) rave about/over sth to talk about something you enjoy or admire in an excited way = ↑enthuse ▪ Now I understand why travelers rave about Lapland. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rave — [[t]re͟ɪv[/t]] raves, raving, raved 1) VERB If someone raves, they talk in an excited and uncontrolled way. She cried and raved for weeks, and people did not know what to do... [V with quote] What is wrong with you, acting like that, she raved,… …   English dictionary

  • rave — rave1 [ reıv ] verb intransitive 1. ) rave about/over to speak or write in a very enthusiastic way about something or someone: The critics are raving about her performance. They were all raving over the beauty of the landscape. 2. ) to talk in an …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rave — 1 verb (I) 1 to talk in an angry, uncontrolled way (+ at): Dad raved at me for hours about how irresponsible I d been. 2 to talk in a crazy way that is impossible to understand, especially because you are very ill 3 rave about/over to talk in a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rave — I UK [reɪv] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms rave : present tense I/you/we/they rave he/she/it raves present participle raving past tense raved past participle raved 1) a) to talk in an angry and uncontrolled way b) to talk in a crazy way when …   English dictionary

  • rave — v. (D; intr.) to rave about, over; to (she was raveing to us about her grandchild) * * * [reɪv] over to (she was raveing to us about her grandchild) (D; intr.) to rave about …   Combinatory dictionary

  • rave — Synonyms and related words: abuse, acclaim, accolade, admiration, applaud, assault, attack, babble, barbarize, bark at, bash, batter, be angry, be enthusiastic, be excitable, be insane, be livid, be pissed, bellow, berate, betongue, blacken,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Rave Master — First volume of Rave, released in Japan on November 17, 1999 レイヴ (Rave) Genre …   Wikipedia

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