put\ two\ and\ two\ together
- put\ two\ and\ two\ together
v. phr.
To make decisions based on available proofs; reason from the known facts; conclude; decide.
He had put two and two together and decided where they had probably gone.
It was just a mater of putting two and two together: the facts seemed to permit only one decision.
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань".
Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс.
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put two and two together — {v. phr.} To make decisions based on available proofs; reason from the known facts; conclude; decide. * /He had put two and two together and decided where they had probably gone./ * /It was just a mater of putting two and two together: the facts… … Dictionary of American idioms
put two and two together — {v. phr.} To make decisions based on available proofs; reason from the known facts; conclude; decide. * /He had put two and two together and decided where they had probably gone./ * /It was just a mater of putting two and two together: the facts… … Dictionary of American idioms
put two and two together — If someone puts two and two together, they reach a correct conclusion from the evidence … The small dictionary of idiomes
put two and two together — ► put two and two together draw an obvious conclusion from what is known or evident. Main Entry: ↑two … English terms dictionary
put two and two together — phrasal : to draw the proper inference from given premises or related circumstances sharp enough wits to put two and two together T.B.Costain * * * put two and two together To draw a conclusion from various facts • • • Main Entry: ↑put put two… … Useful english dictionary
put two and two together — If someone puts two and two together, they reach a correct conclusion from the evidence. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** To put two and two together means to reach the right conclusion based on the information you have. When she… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
put two and two together — understand or figure something out after learning the facts I finally put two and two together and realized that she was his boyfriend … Idioms and examples
put two and two together — to guess the truth about a situation from pieces of information which you know about it. I didn t tell her my husband had left, but she d noticed his car was missing and put two and two together … New idioms dictionary
put two and two together — to guess what is happening or what something means as a result of what you have seen or heard People saw them talking and put two and two together … English dictionary
put two and two together — verb To figure out; to deduce or discern. We didnt tell our friends that we were dating, but I think they put two and two together … Wiktionary