put one's foot in it — or[put one s foot in one s mouth] {v. phr.}, {informal} To speak carelessly and rudely; hurt another s feelings without intending to; make a rude mistake. * /He put his foot in it with his remark about self made men because Jones was one of… … Dictionary of American idioms
put one's foot in it — or[put one s foot in one s mouth] {v. phr.}, {informal} To speak carelessly and rudely; hurt another s feelings without intending to; make a rude mistake. * /He put his foot in it with his remark about self made men because Jones was one of… … Dictionary of American idioms
put one's foot in it — (informal) To spoil anything by some tactless blunder or remark • • • Main Entry: ↑foot * * * put one s foot in it (or put one s foot in one s mouth) informal say or do something tactless or embarrassing; commit a blunder or indiscretion … Useful english dictionary
put one's foot in it — ► put one s foot in it informal say or do something tactless or embarrassing. Main Entry: ↑foot … English terms dictionary
put\ one's\ foot\ in\ one's\ mouth — • put one s foot in it • put one s foot in one s mouth v. phr. informal To speak carelessly and rudely; hurt another s feelings without intending to; make a rude mistake. He put his foot in it with his remark about self made men because Jones was … Словарь американских идиом
put one's foot down — ► put one s foot down informal 1) adopt a firm policy when faced with opposition or disobedience. 2) Brit. accelerate a motor vehicle by pressing the accelerator pedal. Main Entry: ↑foot … English terms dictionary
put one's foot down — phrasal : to take a firm stand put his foot down on our staying out after midnight : give a clear or decisive order * * * put one s foot down (informal) To take a firm decision, usu against something • • • Main Entry: ↑foot * * * informal adopt a … Useful english dictionary
put one's foot down — To put one s foot down means to exert authority to prevent something from happening. The child wanted to sleep on the sofa but his father put his foot down and sent him to bed … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
put one's foot in one's mouth — idi put one s foot in one s mouth, to make an embarrassing blunder … From formal English to slang
put one's foot down — idi put one s foot down, to take a firm stand; be decisive or determined … From formal English to slang