put\ down

put\ down
v. phr.
1. To stop by force, crush.

In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion.

2. To put a stop to; check.

She had patiently put down unkind talk by living a good life.

3. To write a record of; write down.

He put down the story while it was fresh in his mind.

4. To write a name in a list as agreeing to do something.

The banker put himself down for $1000.

Sheila put Barbara down for the decorations.

5. To decide the kind or class of; characterize.

He put the man down as a bum.

He put it down as a piece of bad luck.

6. To name as a cause; attribute.

He put the odd weather down to nuclear explosions.

7. To dig; drill; sink.

He put down a new well.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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