beyond one's depth — {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Over your head in water; in water too deep to touch bottom. * /Jack wasn t a good swimmer and nearly drowned when he drifted out beyond his depth./ 2. In or into something too difficult for you; beyond your understanding… … Dictionary of American idioms
beyond one's depth — {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Over your head in water; in water too deep to touch bottom. * /Jack wasn t a good swimmer and nearly drowned when he drifted out beyond his depth./ 2. In or into something too difficult for you; beyond your understanding… … Dictionary of American idioms
beyond one's depth — or out of one s depth phrasal beyond the limits of one s capabilities < an actor who is clearly out of his depth in serious drama > … New Collegiate Dictionary
beyond one's depth — phrasal or out of one s depth 1. : in water that is deeper than one s height 2. : beyond the limit of one s mental capability … Useful english dictionary
out of or beyond one's depth — idi out of or beyond one s depth beyond one s knowledge or capability … From formal English to slang
out of one's depth — phrasal see beyond one s depth * * * out of one s depth 1. In water where one cannot touch bottom with one s head above the surface, or too deep for one s safety 2. In a situation, etc beyond one s understanding • • • Main Entry: ↑depth * * * in… … Useful english dictionary
out of one's depth — phrasal see beyond one s depth … New Collegiate Dictionary
depth — [depth] n. [ME depthe < dep: see DEEP & TH1] 1. a) the distance from the top downward, from the surface inward, or from front to back b) perspective, as in a painting 2. the quality or condition of being deep; deepness; specif … English World dictionary
out of one's depth — ► out of one s depth 1) in water too deep to stand in. 2) in a situation beyond one s capabilities. Main Entry: ↑depth … English terms dictionary
out of one's depth — 1》 in water too deep to stand in. 2》 in a situation beyond one s capabilities. → depth … English new terms dictionary