promise the moon — promise that everything will be perfect If you promise the moon, the kids may be very disappointed … English idioms
promise the moon — promise (someone) the moon see ↑promise, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑moon … Useful english dictionary
promise the moon — promise (someone) the moon British, American & Australian, British & Australian to promise something impossible. He had promised her the earth but five years later they were still living in the same small house … New idioms dictionary
promise the moon — {v. phr.} To promise something impossible. * /A politician who promises the moon during a campaign loses the voters respect./ * /I can t promise you the moon, but I ll do the best job I can./ Compare: ASK FOR THE MOON … Dictionary of American idioms
promise the moon — {v. phr.} To promise something impossible. * /A politician who promises the moon during a campaign loses the voters respect./ * /I can t promise you the moon, but I ll do the best job I can./ Compare: ASK FOR THE MOON … Dictionary of American idioms
promise the moon — mentally alert, ready to do something Before the elections the politicians were promising everyone the moon but when they were elected they began to talk differently … Idioms and examples
promise someone the moon — promise someone the moon/earth/ phrase to make a promise that you are unlikely to be able to keep Thesaurus: to make a promisesynonym Main entry: promise * * * promise (someone) the moon see ↑ … Useful english dictionary
promise the stars/moon/earth/world — promise (someone) the stars/moon/earth/world : to promise (someone) that you will do or give something great or wonderful even though it is not possible He promised her the stars and the moon, but he never even bought her flowers. Politicians… … Useful english dictionary
The Two Who Stole the Moon — The сonstrained Kaczyński twins first rose to public prominence as child actors in the 1962 film The Two Who Stole the Moon, decades before becoming prominent politicians. Lech is on the right, Jarosław is on the left. The Two Who Stole the Moon… … Wikipedia
promise someone the moon — promise (someone) the moon British, American & Australian, British & Australian to promise something impossible. He had promised her the earth but five years later they were still living in the same small house … New idioms dictionary