pound\ the\ pavement

pound\ the\ pavement
v. phr. informal
To walk up and down the streets; tramp about.

John pounded the pavement looking for a job.

Mary and Bill pounded the pavement to find an apartment.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • pound the pavement — {v. phr.}, {informal} To walk up and down the streets; tramp about. * /John pounded the pavement looking for a job./ * /Mary and Bill pounded the pavement to find an apartment./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pound the pavement — {v. phr.}, {informal} To walk up and down the streets; tramp about. * /John pounded the pavement looking for a job./ * /Mary and Bill pounded the pavement to find an apartment./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pound the pavement — I see pound II II walk the streets in an effort to accomplish something I will pound the pavement from city to city in order to explain the dangers ■ search diligently for something, typically for a job although the country s current jobless rate …   Useful english dictionary

  • pound the pavement —    Someone who pounds the pavement walks the streets or goes from company to company, usually in search of employment.    (You can also pound the pavement in an effort to raise funds or gain support for a cause.)     Charlie is out there pounding …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • pound the pavement — 1. to look for a job. Mary had children to feed, so she kept pounding the pavement until she finally landed a job at a burger restaurant. 2. to look for money or support. She s been going out and pounding the pavement, raising money for research …   New idioms dictionary

  • pound the pavement — verb a) To travel on foot; to walk or run. The joggers pounded the pavement for several miles each day. b) To campaign diligently; to seek something, such as business, employment, or answers. After a brief and unsuccessful search, he decided it… …   Wiktionary

  • pound the pavement — look for a job, walk from company to company to find a job    Carrying several copies of his resume, Tang was pounding the pavement in Vancouver …   English idioms

  • pound the pavement — look for a job He has been pounding the pavement for a few months now but still has not found a job …   Idioms and examples

  • pound the pavement — idi+inf Informal. to walk the streets unremittingly, as to find work …   From formal English to slang

  • pound the pavement — walk from place to place in order to accomplish a goal (esp. to find a job or campaign for an election) …   English contemporary dictionary

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