pluck\ up\ one's\ courage

pluck\ up\ one's\ courage
• screw up one's courage
• pluck up one's courage
v. phr.
To force yourself to be brave.

The small boy screwed up his courage and went upstairs in the dark.

When his father came home in a bad mood, it took Pete some time to screw up his courage and ask him for a dollar.

Compare: whistle in the dark

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • pluck up one's courage — See: SCREW UP ONE S COURAGE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pluck up one's courage — See: SCREW UP ONE S COURAGE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pluck up one's courage — gather one s courage, be courageous …   English contemporary dictionary

  • screw up one's courage — or[pluck up one s courage] {v. phr.} To force yourself to be brave. * /The small boy screwed up his courage and went upstairs in the dark./ * /When his father came home in a bad mood, it took Pete some time to screw up his courage and ask him for …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • screw up one's courage — or[pluck up one s courage] {v. phr.} To force yourself to be brave. * /The small boy screwed up his courage and went upstairs in the dark./ * /When his father came home in a bad mood, it took Pete some time to screw up his courage and ask him for …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • screw\ up\ one's\ courage — • screw up one s courage • pluck up one s courage v. phr. To force yourself to be brave. The small boy screwed up his courage and went upstairs in the dark. When his father came home in a bad mood, it took Pete some time to screw up his courage… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pluck — (v.) late O.E. ploccian pull off, cull, from W.Gmc. *plokken (Cf. M.L.G. plucken, M.Du. plocken, Flem. plokken), perhaps from V.L. *piluccare (Cf. O.Fr. peluchier, late 12c.), a frequentative, ultimately from L. pilare pull out hair, from pilus… …   Etymology dictionary

  • pluck — [pluk] vt. [ME plukken < OE pluccian, akin to Ger pflücken < VL * piluccare, to pull out (> Fr éplucher), for L pilare, to deprive of hair < pilus, hair: see PILE2] 1. to pull off or out; pick 2. to drag or snatch; grab 3. to pull… …   English World dictionary

  • pluck — ► VERB 1) take hold of (something) and quickly remove it from its place. 2) pull out (a hair, feather, etc.) 3) pull the feathers from (a bird s carcass) to prepare it for cooking. 4) pull at or twitch. 5) sound (a stringed musical instrument)… …   English terms dictionary

  • courage — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Lack of fear Nouns 1. courage, bravery, valor; boldness, strength; daring, gallantry, heroism, intrepidity; defiance, audacity; rashness, brinkmanship; confidence, self reliance; chivalry, prowess,… …   English dictionary for students

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