play\ fair

play\ fair
v. phr.
To do what is right to others; act in a fair and truthful way.

The boys like the principal because he always plays fair.

Mary would not date any other boys while Jim, her favorite boyfriend, was away; she said that would not be playing fair.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • play fair — {v. phr.} To do what is right to others; act in a fair and truthful way. * /The boys like the principal because he always plays fair./ * /Mary would not date any other boys while Jim, her favorite boyfriend, was away; she said that would not be… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • play fair — {v. phr.} To do what is right to others; act in a fair and truthful way. * /The boys like the principal because he always plays fair./ * /Mary would not date any other boys while Jim, her favorite boyfriend, was away; she said that would not be… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • play fair — (sometimes with with) to act honestly • • • Main Entry: ↑play * * * play fair phrase to behave in a way that is fair and honest and follows the rules If people are not going to play fair, we are going to have to lay down the law. Thesaurus: to be …   Useful english dictionary

  • play fair — play using rules, give everyone an equal chance    A referee will help us to play fair, to play according to the rules …   English idioms

  • play fair — to behave in a way that is fair and honest and follows the rules If people are not going to play fair, we are going to have to lay down the law …   English dictionary

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  • play fair — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. be good, be civil, mind, obey; see behave 2 …   English dictionary for students

  • fair-play — [ fɛrplɛ ] n. m. inv. • 1849; loc. angl. « franc jeu », « jeu loyal » ♦ Acceptation loyale des règles (d un jeu, d un sport). « Toute la vie anglaise n est qu une partie de sport, un fair play qui a ses lois et ses usages chevaleresques »… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • fair play — ⇒FAIR( )PLAY, (FAIR PLAY, FAIR PLAY) adj. et subst. masc. invar. Dans le domaine du jeu, du sp. (Qualité de celui) qui respecte les règles du jeu et sait accepter la défaite. Jouer fair play, Être, se montrer fair play. Synon. beau joueur, loyal …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • play the game — PLAY FAIR, be fair, play by the rules, conform, be a good sport, toe the line. → play * * * phrasal : to act according to some code or set of standards : play fair or honorably wasn t playing the game in giving publicity to this confidential… …   Useful english dictionary

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