
Expenses incurred in the upkeep of one's plant and premises, employees' salaries, etc., which are not due to the cost of individual items or products.

"Our overhead is killing us!" the used car lot owner complained. "We have to move to a cheaper place."

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • Overhead — may be: Overhead (business), the ongoing operating costs of running a business Engineering overhead, ancillary design features required by a component of a device Computational overhead, ancillary computation required by an algorithm or program… …   Wikipedia

  • Overhead — (v. engl.: over über; head Kopf) ist ein in verschiedenen Bereichen verwendeter Anglizismus, den man oft mit „Mehraufwand“ übersetzen kann. Overhead bezeichnet: allgemein (evtl. entbehrlichen) Mehraufwand, der nicht direkt Nutzen erzeugt Overhead …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Overhead — O ver*head , adv. Aloft; above; in or attached to the ceiling or roof; in the story or upon the floor above; in the zenith. [1913 Webster] While overhead the moon Sits arbitress. Milton. [1913 Webster] Note: Also used adjectively; as, an overhead …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • overhead — over·head / ō vər ˌhed/ n: business expenses (as rent or insurance) not chargeable to a particular part of the work or product Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. overhead …   Law dictionary

  • overhead — [ō′vər hed΄; ] for adv. [ ō΄vər hed′] adj. 1. a) located or operating above the level of the head ☆ b) designating a door, as of a garage, that moves into place overhead when opened 2. in the sky 3. on a higher level, with reference to related… …   English World dictionary

  • overhead — o ver*head , n. 1. same as {overhead expenses}. [PJC] 2. A compartment on a train, bus, or airplane used for storage of luggage or accessory equipment; called also overhead compartment. [PJC] 3. (Sports) A stroke with a racket in which the ball… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • overhead — ► ADVERB ▪ above one s head; in the sky. ► ADJECTIVE 1) situated overhead. 2) (of a driving mechanism) above the object driven. 3) (of an expense) incurred in the upkeep or running of premises or a business. ► NOUN 1) an overhead cost or expense …   English terms dictionary

  • overhead — 1530s, above one s head (adv.), from OVER (Cf. over) + HEAD (Cf. head). The adjective is attested from 1874. As a noun, short for overhead costs, etc., it is attested from 1914 …   Etymology dictionary

  • overhead — [adj/adv] up above above, aerial, aloft, atop, hanging, in the sky, on high, over, overhanging, roof, skyward, upper, upward; concept 586 Ant. below, underfoot overhead [n] general, continuing costs of operation budget, burden, cost, depreciation …   New thesaurus

  • Overhead — Cost; in die deutsche wirtschaftliche Umgangssprache übernommene Bezeichnung für ⇡ fixe Kosten bzw. ⇡ Gemeinkosten …   Lexikon der Economics

  • overhead — cost An indirect cost of an organization. Overheads are usually classified as manufacturing overheads, administration overheads, selling overheads, distribution overheads, and research and development costs …   Accounting dictionary

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