on\ board

on\ board
I. prep.
On (a ship).

Joan was not on board the ship when it sailed.

II. adv or adj. phr.
On a ship.

The captain was not on board when the S.S. Flandre sailed.

A ship was leaving the harbor, and we saw the people on board waving.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • Board — (b[=o]rd), n. [OE. bord, AS. bord board, shipboard; akin to bred plank, Icel. bor[eth] board, side of a ship, Goth. f[=o]tu baurd footstool, D. bord board, G. brett, bort. See def. 8. [root]92.] 1. A piece of timber sawed thin, and of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Board and board — Board Board (b[=o]rd), n. [OE. bord, AS. bord board, shipboard; akin to bred plank, Icel. bor[eth] board, side of a ship, Goth. f[=o]tu baurd footstool, D. bord board, G. brett, bort. See def. 8. [root]92.] 1. A piece of timber sawed thin, and of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Board of trade — Board Board (b[=o]rd), n. [OE. bord, AS. bord board, shipboard; akin to bred plank, Icel. bor[eth] board, side of a ship, Goth. f[=o]tu baurd footstool, D. bord board, G. brett, bort. See def. 8. [root]92.] 1. A piece of timber sawed thin, and of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • board — n often cap 1 a: a group of individuals having managerial, supervisory, investigatory, or advisory powers over a public or private business, trust, or other organization or institution Board of Regents Board of Bar Overseers …   Law dictionary

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  • board observer — USA An individual who is permitted to attend and participate in meetings of the board of directors and to receive all information provided to members of the board (including minutes of board meetings), but who is not permitted to formally vote on …   Law dictionary

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