not\ for\ love\ or\ money
- not\ for\ love\ or\ money
• not for the world
• not for all the coffee in Brazil
• not for all the tea in China
• not for anything in the world
• not for love or money
• not for worlds
adv. phr.
Not at any price; not for anything.
I wouldn't hurt his feelings for the world.
Not for worlds would he let his children go hungry.
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань".
Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс.
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not for love nor money — informal phrase used for emphasizing that something is not available or possible, or that you will not do it I couldn’t find the keys for love nor money. Thesaurus: way of saying that you will not do somethingsynonym Main entry: love * * * not f … Useful english dictionary
not for love or money — Under no circumstances • • • Main Entry: ↑love * * * informal not for any inducement or in any circumstances they ll not return for love or money * * * not for love or/nor ˈmoney idiom if you say you cannot do sth for love nor money, you mean it… … Useful english dictionary
not for love nor money — (not) for love nor/or money if you say that you cannot or will not do something for love nor money, you mean that it is impossible to do or that you will not do it whatever happens. It s incredibly popular. You can t get tickets for love nor… … New idioms dictionary
not for love or money — (not) for love nor/or money if you say that you cannot or will not do something for love nor money, you mean that it is impossible to do or that you will not do it whatever happens. It s incredibly popular. You can t get tickets for love nor… … New idioms dictionary
not for love or money — If you say that you cannot or will not do something for love or money, you mean that you will not do it under any circumstances. I would not try bungee jumping for love or money! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
not for love nor money — informal used for emphasizing that something is not available or possible, or that you will not do it I couldn t find the keys for love nor money … English dictionary
not for love or money — not for anything, not for any benefit, in no way … English contemporary dictionary
not for love or money — informal not in any circumstances. → love … English new terms dictionary
for love nor money — (not) for love nor/or money if you say that you cannot or will not do something for love nor money, you mean that it is impossible to do or that you will not do it whatever happens. It s incredibly popular. You can t get tickets for love nor… … New idioms dictionary
for love or money — (not) for love nor/or money if you say that you cannot or will not do something for love nor money, you mean that it is impossible to do or that you will not do it whatever happens. It s incredibly popular. You can t get tickets for love nor… … New idioms dictionary