millstone\ around\ one's\ neck
- millstone\ around\ one's\ neck
n. phr.
An intolerable burden.
Max said that his old car was a millstone around his neck.
monkey on one's back
Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань".
Оригинал: A.Маккей, М.Т.Боткер, Дж.И.Гейтс.
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millstone around one's neck — {n. phr.} An intolerable burden. * /Max said that his old car was a millstone around his neck./ Compare: MONKEY ON ONE S BACK … Dictionary of American idioms
millstone around one's neck — {n. phr.} An intolerable burden. * /Max said that his old car was a millstone around his neck./ Compare: MONKEY ON ONE S BACK … Dictionary of American idioms
ALBATROSS (around one's neck) — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. [AL ba tross] used metaphorically to symbolize a burden of guilt or disgrace; from the albatross that brought bad luck after it was shot and hung around the Mariner s neck in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.… … English dictionary for students
Millstone — For other uses, see Millstone (disambiguation). The basic anatomy of a millstone. Note that this is a runner stone. A bedstone would not have the Spanish Cross into which the supporting millrynd fits … Wikipedia
millstone — n. heavy burden to have a millstone around one s neck * * * [ mɪlstəʊn] [ heavy burden ] to have a millstone around one s neck … Combinatory dictionary
millstone — /mil stohn /, n. 1. either of a pair of circular stones between which grain or another substance is ground, as in a mill. 2. anything that grinds or crushes. 3. any heavy mental or emotional burden (often used in the phrase a millstone around one … Universalium
millstone — mill•stone [[t]ˈmɪlˌstoʊn[/t]] n. 1) either of a pair of circular stones between which grain or another substance is ground, as in a mill 2) anything that grinds or crushes 3) any heavy mental or emotional burden: a millstone around one s neck •… … From formal English to slang
millstone — UK [ˈmɪlˌstəʊn] / US [ˈmɪlˌstoʊn] noun [countable] Word forms millstone : singular millstone plural millstones 1) a problem or responsibility that prevents you from making progress or doing what you want to do a millstone around someone s neck:… … English dictionary
millstone — mill|stone [ mıl,stoun ] noun count 1. ) a problem or responsibility that prevents you from making progress or doing what you want to do: a millstone around someone s neck: The job had been a millstone around her neck. 2. ) one of two large heavy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
millstone — /ˈmɪlstoʊn / (say milstohn) noun 1. either of a pair of circular stones between which grain or other substance is ground, as in a mill. 2. something that grinds or crushes. 3. a heavy burden. –phrase 4. a millstone around someone s neck, a heavy… …