mend\ one's\ fences

mend\ one's\ fences
v. phr. informal
To do something to make people like or follow you again; strengthen your friendships or influence.

The senator went home from Washington to mend his fences.

John saw that his friends did not like him, so he decided to mend his fences.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • mend (one's) fences — make peace with a person. → mend …   English new terms dictionary

  • mend one's fences — ► mend (one s) fences make peace with a person. Main Entry: ↑mend …   English terms dictionary

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  • mend one's fences — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something to make people like or follow you again; strengthen your friendships or influence. * /The senator went home from Washington to mend his fences./ * /John saw that his friends did not like him, so he decided to …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mend one's fences — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something to make people like or follow you again; strengthen your friendships or influence. * /The senator went home from Washington to mend his fences./ * /John saw that his friends did not like him, so he decided to …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mend one's fences — do something to make people like you after a fight, strengthen one s friendship or influence I made a big effort to mend my fences with my boss so that we could work together effectively …   Idioms and examples

  • mend fences — phrase to try to become friends again with someone who you have argued with The object of the meeting was primarily to mend fences. Thesaurus: ending, solving and avoiding arguments and fightshyponym to start a friendshipsynonym Main entry: mend… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mend — ► VERB 1) restore to the correct or working condition. 2) improve. ► NOUN ▪ a repair in a material. ● mend (one s) fences Cf. ↑mend one s fences ● on the mend …   English terms dictionary

  • mend fences — ► mend (one s) fences make peace with a person. Main Entry: ↑mend …   English terms dictionary

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