lose\ touch

lose\ touch
v. phr. informal
To fail to keep in contact or communication. - Usually used with "with".

After she moved to another town, she lost touch with her childhood friends.

Compare: out of touch

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • lose touch — (with (someone)) to no longer communicate with someone. I lost touch with Katie after she moved to Canada …   New idioms dictionary

  • lose touch — (with (something)) to no longer have recent knowledge about something. He has never lost touch with Mexican culture and traditions …   New idioms dictionary

  • lose touch — ► lose touch 1) cease to be in communication. 2) cease to be informed. Main Entry: ↑touch …   English terms dictionary

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  • lose touch with someone — lose touch (with (someone)) to no longer communicate with someone. I lost touch with Katie after she moved to Canada …   New idioms dictionary

  • lose touch with — lose touch (with (someone)) to no longer communicate with someone. I lost touch with Katie after she moved to Canada …   New idioms dictionary

  • lose touch with something — lose touch (with (something)) to no longer have recent knowledge about something. He has never lost touch with Mexican culture and traditions …   New idioms dictionary

  • lose touch with — lose touch (with (something)) to no longer have recent knowledge about something. He has never lost touch with Mexican culture and traditions …   New idioms dictionary

  • lose touch — lose (your) touch if you lose your touch, you can no longer do something as well as you could before. It s good to see their goalkeeper s not losing his touch. (usually in continuous tenses) …   New idioms dictionary

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