lose\ one's\ temper

lose\ one's\ temper
v. phr.
To lose control over one's anger; to get angry.

He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock.

Compare: blow a fuse, fly off the handle Contrast: hold one's temper

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • lose one's temper — ► keep (or lose) one s temper retain (or fail to retain) composure or restraint when angry. Main Entry: ↑temper …   English terms dictionary

  • lose one's temper — verb get very angry and fly into a rage The professor combusted when the student didn t know the answer to a very elementary question Spam makes me go ballistic • Syn: ↑flip one s lid, ↑blow up, ↑throw a fit, ↑hit the roof, ↑hit the ceiling, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • lose one's temper — {v. phr.} To lose control over one s anger; to get angry. * /He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock./ Compare: BLOW A FUSE, FLY OFF THE HANDLE. Contrast: HOLD ONE S TEMPER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lose one's temper — {v. phr.} To lose control over one s anger; to get angry. * /He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock./ Compare: BLOW A FUSE, FLY OFF THE HANDLE. Contrast: HOLD ONE S TEMPER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lose one's temper — fail to maintain one s composure, lose one s self control …   English contemporary dictionary

  • lose one's temper — Syn: get angry, fly into a rage, erupt; informal go mad, go bananas, have a fit, see red, fly off the handle, blow one s top, hit the roof, lose one s rag; Brit.; informal go spare, throw a wobbly …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • lose one's temper — become angry He lost his temper when the child broke the dish. (from Idioms in Speech) to lose control of oneself in a moment of anger; to get angry or impatient She frowned. I shall lose my temper. You ll make me lose my temper. Why do you hide… …   Idioms and examples

  • lose one's temper — calm down, there s no need to lose your temper Syn: get angry, fly into a rage, erupt, lose control, go berserk, breathe fire, flare up, boil over; informal go mad, go crazy, go bananas, have a fit, see red, fly off the handle, blow one s top,… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • lose one's temper — verb to be explosively angry. To get very cross. When my dad found out I had failed the exams, he completely lost his temper. Syn: blow ones top, go ape, go apeshit, hit the roof, hit the ceiling …   Wiktionary

  • keep (or lose) one's temper — retain (or fail to retain) composure or restraint when angry. → temper …   English new terms dictionary

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