lock,\ stock,\ and\ barrel

lock,\ stock,\ and\ barrel
n. phr.
Everything; completely.

The robbers emptied the whole house - lock, stock, and barrel.

Compare: hook, line and sinker

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • Lock, stock, and barrel — is a merism used predominantely in the United Kingdom and North America meaning all , total , everything . The term itself derives from the components of a musket: the lock being the firing mechanism, stock being the wooden butt end of the gun,… …   Wikipedia

  • lock, stock, and barrel — {n. phr.} Everything; completely. * /The robbers emptied the whole house lock, stock, and barrel./ Compare: HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lock, stock, and barrel — {n. phr.} Everything; completely. * /The robbers emptied the whole house lock, stock, and barrel./ Compare: HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lock, stock and barrel — 1. The whole 2. Altogether, entirely • • • Main Entry: ↑lock * * * ˌlock, stock and ˈbarrel idiom including everything • He sold the business lock, stock and barrel. Main entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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  • lock, stock, and barrel — ► lock, stock, and barrel including everything. [ORIGIN: referring to the complete mechanism of a firearm.] Main Entry: ↑lock …   English terms dictionary

  • lock, stock, and barrel — adverb Etymology: so called from the three principal parts of a flintlock : wholly, completely sold his property lock, stock, and barrel took over the duties of his predecessor lock, stock, and barrel * * * lock, stock, and barrel phrase… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lock, stock and barrel —    This is an expressions that means everything ; if someone buys a company lock, stock and barrel, they buy absolutely everything to do with the company.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***     Lock, stock and barrel means everything .    … …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • lock, stock, and barrel — including every part of a particular thing, situation, place etc They bought out the business lock, stock, and barrel. The family headed lock, stock, and barrel for the city of Bath …   English dictionary

  • lock, stock and barrel — everything, kit and caboodle    They took everything in the shed lock, stock and barrel …   English idioms

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