like\ two\ peas\ in\ a\ pod

like\ two\ peas\ in\ a\ pod
adj. phr.
Closely similar; almost exactly alike.

The twin sisters Eve and Agnes are like two peas in a pod.

Словарь американских идиом. — СПб., Изд-во "Лань". . 1997.

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  • like two peas in a pod — Things that are like two peas in a pod are very similar or identical …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • like two peas in a pod — (like) two peas in a pod very similar. We were two peas in a pod – we liked all the same things, and we did everything together …   New idioms dictionary

  • like two peas in a pod — informal phrase used for saying that two people look, behave, or think exactly the same Thesaurus: samesynonym Main entry: pea …   Useful english dictionary

  • like two peas in a pod —    Things that are like two peas in a pod are very similar or identical,   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    To say that two people are like two peas in a pod means that they are very similar in appearance.     It wasn t difficult to identify …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • like two peas in a pod — {adj. phr.} Closely similar; almost exactly alike. * /The twin sisters Eve and Agnes are like two peas in a pod./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • like two peas in a pod — {adj. phr.} Closely similar; almost exactly alike. * /The twin sisters Eve and Agnes are like two peas in a pod./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • like two peas in a pod — like identical twins, like two things that are very similar …   English contemporary dictionary

  • be like two peas in a pod — to be very similar. You can tell they re brothers at a glance they re like two peas in a pod …   New idioms dictionary

  • like two peas in a pod — informal used for saying that two people look, behave, or think exactly the same …   English dictionary

  • two peas in a pod — (like) two peas in a pod very similar. We were two peas in a pod – we liked all the same things, and we did everything together …   New idioms dictionary

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