let\ one\ have\ it — • let one have it • let one have it with both barrels • let s have it v. phr. 1a. slang To hit hard. He drew back his fist and let the man have it. Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it! Syn.: give it to. 1b. slang To use a weapon on; to… … Словарь американских идиом
let someone have it — very informal phrase to attack or criticize someone severely Thesaurus: to attack a person or objectsynonym to criticize stronglysynonym Main entry: let * * * informal attack someone physi … Useful english dictionary
let someone have it — let (someone) have it to attack someone physically or with words. When Joe got home late, Ann really let him have it … New idioms dictionary
let somebody have it — let sb ˈhave it idiom (informal) to attack sb physically or with words Main entry: ↑letidiom … Useful english dictionary
Let Him Have It — Infobox Film name =Let Him Have It caption = Let Him Have It imdb id = 0102288 writer = Neil Purvis, Robert Wade starring = Christopher Eccleston, Tom Courtenay, Eileen Atkins director = Peter Medak producer = music = distributor = British Screen … Wikipedia
let one have it — {v. phr.} 1a. {slang} To hit hard. * /He drew back his fist and let the man have it./ * /Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it!/ Syn.: GIVE IT TO. 1b. {slang} To use a weapon on; to shoot or knife. * /The guard pulled his gun and let the… … Dictionary of American idioms
let one have it — {v. phr.} 1a. {slang} To hit hard. * /He drew back his fist and let the man have it./ * /Give him a kick in the pants; let him have it!/ Syn.: GIVE IT TO. 1b. {slang} To use a weapon on; to shoot or knife. * /The guard pulled his gun and let the… … Dictionary of American idioms
let one have it — phrasal : to subject to vigorous assault hauled back and let him have it full in the solar plexus held her tongue until the company left and then she really let him have it specifically : shoot took careful aim and let him have it right between… … Useful english dictionary
let someone have it — verb a) To attack someone with great force. At dawn we really let em have it with a 30 minute artillery barrage. b) To verbally assail someone. When I came home, he let me have it for wrecking the car … Wiktionary
Let’s have it! — exclam. Please tell (us) the news! □ What’s happened? Let’s have it! □ Don’t beat around the bush. Let’s have it! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions